
“When something vibrates, sound is produced  and these vibrations, called longitudinal waves, have high and low pressure areas and when diagrammed look like symmetrical wavy lines. The frequency is the measurement of the number of cycles a sound wave makes in a second makes in a second and determines the pitch of the sound. 

“A pure tone is a sound wave with a single frequency. When two pure tones with the same frequency or sounded together, their sound waves are the same. They are matched and the tone you here is the same pitch and sounds in unison. 

“When two tones with different frequencies are sounded together their sound waves are not in sync and if we were to graph the waves we could see how the variance between the two waves grows. If the two frequencies are different but fairly close instead of a unison sound we hear a beating sound often described as a wobbly sound.”

“If we were to represent our Heavenly Father, his qualities, his attributes, his starts, and his actions as a sound wave with a single frequency, we would hear a pure tone. If we added Jesus Christ as a second sound wave to the two tones, they would have the same frequencies and would be in tune. Jesus tells us ‘I am in the Father and the Father in me and the Father and I are one.’ We could say they are on the same wave length. What would happen if we were to add our own sound wave length to that of our Heavenly Father’s? Would there be minimal beat interference or would the variance be a greater dissonance? Depending on the difference in frequency the sounds are either in unison are they are out of tune.”…many of our life choices can get us out of tune with our Heavenly Father.”


She gives us 4 points where we can grow more in tune with our Heavenly Father :

  1. Receive the prophets and stone them not. “Sustain our prophets by sustaining them, by honoring them, standing behind them, defending their good names, and striving to carry out their instructions” – Elder Nelson
  2. Do not allow contention. 4 Nephi 1:15-17- that speaks for itself. 
  3. Be humble, not prideful. “The central feature of pride is enmity—enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellowmen. Enmity means ‘hatred toward, hostility to, or a state of opposition.’ It is the power by which Satan wishes to reign over us. Pride is essentially competitive in nature. We pit our will against God’s. When we direct our pride toward God, it is in the spirit of ‘my will and not thine be done.’ As Paul said, they ‘seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ’s.'” – Let’s not be this way. Let’s be faithful.
  4. Search, ponder, and pray. “One of the primary purposes of the Scriptures is to help us know understand it become like the Savior. Continually studying the scriptures helps us keep our eyes minds and hearts focused on Him.” – Daniel L Johnson

Let’s do all that we can to reduce the dissonance between us and Heavenly Father. Life is SO MUCH  BETTER when our life is in tune with that of Heavenly Father’s will.

Cindy Bayles

Cindy is the author “Doodle Healing”. A fun, easy, and effective guide to design a life of purpose and joy no matter your circumstances.
She teaches Doodle Therapy courses designed to help women improve their emotional and mental health 40X faster with doodling than without.

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