
I often wonder why I am not getting anywhere with my goals. I mean I write them down and set a completion date but then I just peter out. What’s up with that? While I read 1 Nephi:11 this morning the light came on. It is about desire. Now, I have read books and watched movies on this but not until reading 1 Nephi did I get it. In Chapter 10 and 11 Nephi desires to see the vision that his father Lehi saw. It was not just a passing, “I wish I could see the vision”. He took action. He knelt and prayed with real intent, believing he could see the vision too. I think I have been just wishing for things. So the questions I asked myself is  “Do I have a desire to reach my goal?  Am I willing to put in the work?  What am I willing to give up?’

Are Some Big Goals Too Big?

I had a meeting with some social media interns. The expert, in charge, asked me what our goals were. I replied we wanted to double sales this year. His reply was “Isn’t that too big of a goal? To double revenue in a year is nearly impossible.” So what if it is a big. 

So if I set a gigantic, unrealistic, goal and I don’t hit it, I have still made progress. What if I only take in 50% more revenue? Am I a failure? No. We increased our revenue by 50%. That’s amazing. But what if I set a high goal and then blow it out of the water?  I have big dreams this year. I am working hard to reach my goals. I can build a fire under us to put our focus on the next step. I love the quote:

Aim for the moon, if you miss it, you will land among the stars.

Burning Desire

So how does one acquire a burning desire. How do you get out of bed on those cold, dark, mornings and head outside for your run or sit down at the computer to write when it is so much easier and more comfortable to stay in bed?

Desire, burning desire, is basic to achieving anything beyond the ordinary.

Joseph B. Wirthlin


How does a person acquire a burning desire?

  1. Believe that it is possible.
  2. Vision See it and believe it.
  3. No going back. (Burn the ships)
  4. Tell others and enlist their help. Are you afraid to tell them for fear you will fail?
  5. Goal Posters
  6. Act As if you have already achieved the goal. Quit waiting for the end.
  7. Brainstorm your actions steps. (This is not carved in stone. These steps can and will change as you go.)
  8. Take action today and commit to take action every day
  9. What is your why? How will you feel when you achieve that? Feel that feeling now.


There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.

Napoleon Hill

A true burning desire will propel us from where we are to where I want to be. I would not be distracted by my messy house or the other mundane things that life throws at me. Uchtdorf gave a talk called the great adventure. He talked about getting distracted by a messy house or the comfortable things that we would rather do. But what would happen if we left all of that and chose adventure right now?

My personal Goals

Alarm clock

My personal goals for this month are:

1. Love and Care for my Body

Action Steps:

My burning desire is to take care of my body. These are the things I need to take care of my body. Workout shoes, weights, healthy foods.

  • Eat 1400 calories a day.
  • Exercise 45 minutes a day.
  • Drink 8 cups of water a day.

2. Write a blog post once a week

Action Steps:

  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Choose an idea
  • Research the idea
  • Create an outline
  • Write a rough draft
  • Find pictures
  • Edit and rewrite the rough draft
  • Format and publish the article



Cindy Bayles

Cindy is the author “Doodle Healing”. A fun, easy, and effective guide to design a life of purpose and joy no matter your circumstances.
She teaches Doodle Therapy courses designed to help women improve their emotional and mental health 40X faster with doodling than without.

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