Doodle Warrior University

Unlock Your Potential with Doodle Warrior Membership

Transform your life and achieve your biggest goals with our year-long program designed for dynamic women. Gain confidence, clarity, and the support of a like-minded community while receiving coaching and expert guidance.

Join Doodle Warrior Membership to turn your dreams into reality and seize the day—because life is too short to wait!


Before I tell you about DWU, let’s make sure you are a good fit.

Women celebrating

Discover Your Power and Purpose with Doodle Warrior University

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life and Achieve Your Big Goals?

You are right for this program if you are a woman ready to embrace the next chapter of your life with confidence and clarity. If you’re tired of methods that don’t deliver and seek a proven path to success, this program is for you. Whether you want to kickstart a new career, launch a business, or pursue a passion project, we are here to help. Your commitment to investing in yourself and taking meaningful steps toward your goals is all you need.

You are right for this program if you crave a supportive community of like-minded women driven by a desire to make a difference. If you’re eager for innovative coaching, expert guidance, and a step-by-step approach that guarantees progress, this is the place for you. With Doodle Warrior University, you’ll gain impactful and efficient progress that fits your busy life. Ready to unlock your potential and turn your dreams into reality? Join us and seize the day because life is too short to wait!

Is This You?

  • You are motivated to make a significant life change.
  • You are ready to invest in personal growth and development.
  • You are enthusiastic about joining a community of supportive, like-minded women.
  • You are looking for innovative coaching and expert advice.
  • You are committed to using your time effectively and efficiently.
  • You are determined to achieve your dreams and goals.
  • You are not willing to waste one more day stuck and ready to seize the day!

Join Doodle Warrior University and start your transformative journey today!



    Fierce Self-Compassion

    for the one person that really matters. When we show up with kindness and love for our own selves. Magic starts to happen.


    Know Who You Want To Be

    you get decide how you show up in this life. Stop saying that’s just who I am and instead decide who you are and then let her shine.


    Start Making Marks in Your Life

    because you are the only one who can show up like your life matters. Do the thing you want to do and make marks you are proud of.


    Coach Yourself to Your Goals

    Learn the skills to start coaching yourself to your wildest hopes and dreams and then coach yourself to become your highest and best self.


    A Routine That Takes Care Of You

    so you don’t have to worry about what you should be doing. It is already baked into your personal system. 


    Implement Powerful Transformational Tools

    that will change the way you do life. When we incorporate doodling, habit design, and foundational principles. Nothing can stop us now!

    This is what other’s are saying about Cindy:

    Calmed My Racing Mind

    “Working with Cindy has been fun and rewarding. She is easy-going and insightful. Doodling has helped me slow my thoughts down and sparked my creativity. I highly reccomend Doodle Warrior University to anyone looking for personal growth.” — Angela H

    Started To Trust Myself Again

    “I am so happy I chose to work with Cindy’s Doodle Therapy. I was feeling completely broken when I started. The self-doubt kept me feeling overwhelmed as the challenges just kept coming.

    Cindy’s Doodling class has helped me to see me and my emotions from a different perspective. She has helped me to develop some compassion for me and start to trust myself again.

    I couldn’t have started healing without her, I look forward to continuing to learn how to better myself through Doodle Warrior University.

    –Crystal C.

    Plain and Simple Doodle Warrior University Changes Lives and the Founding Member Opportunity is a unique opportunity.

    Option 1: Annual Membership

    $330 Per Year (17% Savings)

    • 2 Months Free
    • DWU Supply Kit ($50 Value)
    • Instant access to past courses
    • Cancel during first month or annually

    Option 2: Monthly Membership

    $33 Per Month

    • Access to past courses after 6 months.
    • Cancel anytime monthly*
    • Budget Friendly
    • Simple and easy cancellation.

    The Results Speak For Themselves:

    Opens Your Heart to Your Mind

    I learned to sit with what I am feeling and get to the real emotion behind what I am actions and reactions and do better. And to just relax. And create — Do not overthink it!

    Take the course – it opens up your heart to your mind.

    –Ann H.

    Blew My Mind

    I have already done a lot of self work. But doodling caused me to uncover more than I ever thought possible!

    –T. Berg

    Targeted Monthly Content:

    Module 01: Doodle YOU

    Let’s start out with the basics. Together, we will create your Doodle YOU. Start talking about effective habit creation, how doodles change your brain, and give ourselves the gift of time for ourselves.

    Module 2: Doodle Love

    This is a powerful module. You might understand the principle of self-compassion but do you actually implement loving yourself in your life? Together we will create a plan to implement love and acceptance into our relationship with ourselves.

    Module 3: Doodle Joy

    Gratitude is life changing. It is a foundational principle to a happy life. The problem is we might know gratitude is important but how do we actually practice feeling grateful on a daily basis? No worries. I have a tool that will be taught in this module.

    Module 4: Doodle Hope

    I used to believe “That’s just who I was.” Which gave me the pass to stay stuck. In Module 4, we will create a relationship with our future self. Which will give us the light we want to follow. No more wondering if this or that is the right decision because with our guiding light we already know what the next step is.

    Module 5: Doodle Boldly

    Stepping outside of your comfort zone can feel hard and scary. But growth doesn’t happen when we are comfortable. Growth happens when we ask ourselves to step outside of what we believe about ourselves. It all starts with a statement “Maybe I could…”

    Module 6: Doodle Thoughts

    In Module 6 we will dive deep into looking at our automatic negative thoughts or ANTs. By leveraging the tools within this program we can gain some power over the thoughts that are crawling around in our brains. No longer do we believe everything we think. We can take a step back and look at whether or not we want to keep or throw out one of our thoughts.

    Module 7: Doodle Story

    We all have a story. The question is does that story serve you? We keep our stories with us and see life through the lens of what the story says about us. In this module we can get a handle on how we see life and on purpose change our story to support us and empower us to live our  life on our terms.

    Module 8: Doodle Vision

    Do you have a future vision? This is one of our funnest. In this module we allow ourselves to dream about what we want, need, and desire in our future. We set our standards higher than they have been and decide on purpose what exactly we are striving towards and why!

    Module 9: Doodle Crown

    In this module we will dig deep into the importance of self-care. But not to beat ourselves up but to be treated as queens. We have waited too long for other people to notice our needs. When we decide to give ourselves royal treatment, our relationships (with ourselves and others) changes.

    Module 10: Doodle Healing

    We have done a ton of work so far. Now it’s time to heal some wounds that have been hiding in plain site. Using doodles we can take a step away from the pain and process our pain on the page instead of in our hearts. This is life changing work.

    Module 11: Doodle Focus

    What we focus on grows. As our journey comes to an end, let’s decide what we will focus on going forward. In this module we will each decide on one thing to focus on and that one thing will become part of who we are. This is when transformation happens in our lives.

    Module 12: Doodle Warrior

    It’s time to look back and see how far we have come! When we notice our accomplishments, we continue to improve and grow. This step is both empowering and therapeutic. We get to look back and love ourselves for who we were and who we are now! Our growth has been amazing and if we can grow that much in a year. What can we do next year? The sky is the limit!

    What we think shapes our reality and creates our future results.

    If our thoughts are so powerful, then why are we not devoting time to becoming more aware of our mindset and more intentional about creating a mindset that serves us?

    That’s exactly what we do in Doodle Warrior University.

    Whether you are unhappy in your marriage, worried about your kids, want to be more confident, or have a huge dream and you want some help going after it, DWU is where transformation begins.

    Because in DWU we do what we doodle during coaching. We get to the root cause of your challenge or lack of effective action. This way you not only solve your current challenge, you can bring your newfound insight to other challenges or goals that will come up in your life.

    And this feels exciting.

    The process of continual insight and inspiration is exhilarating. 

    Join us and see for yourself.

    Give us a year (or try it out for a month) in Doodle Warrior U.  I guarantee you will not recognize yourself in the end.


    Bonus #1 — Private Facebook Group to share your breakthroughs, successes, and doodles. (Priceless)

    Bonus #2 — Founding Member (Limited to 20 members) Help us make the DWU program the best program there is using your feedback. This is the lowest price there will ever be. 

    Bonus #3 — Ask a Coach Get answers and guidance on how to use these tools for your SPECIFIC circumstances.

    The Doodle Therapy tools offer a new way of thinking, feeling, behaving, and creating results. But just like anything new, you will have some questions.

    Bonus #4 — Choose the Annual Payment ($330) get a supply box (Valued at $70.00) includes: 

    1. Watercolor paint set
    2. Doodle Healing Book.
    3. Doodle Your Healing Workbook.
    4. One Sharpie
    5.  A Dozen Sheets Multimedia Paper.
    6. Water Brush
    7. Emotional GPS Poster
    8. Additional surprises!
    small butterfly

     It’s Never Too Late to Design A Life You Love!

    •  Monthly deep dive masterclass with Cindy. These courses take place every month and cover a variety of topics. Get deeper knowledge and feedback as you implement it in your real life. Replays provided to accommodate any schedule.
    • Monthly Zoom coaching with Cindy. Sign up to be coached or get the benefits by listening in real time or via replay. Bring any challenge or topic and get help from Cindy.
    • Monthly Tool. Each month we will create a tool to aid you in implementing the new monthly habit.
    • Ask a Coach. Bring any topic. Any question. Anonymously ask anything. We’ve got you.
    • Monthly doodles geared directly to the months topic. Dive in if you want more. Ignore if you don’t have the time for this part. It’s all just an added bonus and covers topics such as:
    • Money
    • Parenting
    • Physical health
    • Goal achievement
    • Spirituality and Faith
    • Confidence
    • Relationships

    Empowering Your Journey with Doodles!

    Monthly Masterclass

    We start each month with a focused, intentional masterclass. It’s our jumping off point. The thing that will help us to move forward faster than we ever thought possible.

    DWU University

    Design Your Life With Habits

    Train your brain to look for the things that make you happy and to step outside of your comfort zone. Habits are the secret sauce to major change and growth.

    cindy headshot

    Plus You Are Backed By A Risk Free 30-Day Guarantee

    I get it. Paying a monthly fee sounds like a pain. I hate worrying about money coming out of my account every month. But the funny thing is I only hate it for things I don’t value.

    Honestly, I am part of several memberships and so are you. Memberships that you cannot live without. So ask yourself if $33 a month is really worth giving yourself love and support each and every month. 

    I am giving you the option to give it a try. You will have 30 days to try this program out and see how this program actually works for you. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then message us and your membership will be cancelled.

    By the end of the 30 days, you will have had access to the full first months module. You will see the value in this program and the ability it has to change your life. 

    Then you can make an educated decision as to whether you want to leave or you want to join us. Because truthfully, we are looking for fully engaged members who are excited about the possibilities before them. 

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